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向量自迴歸 VAR 模型: 不連續落後期

來源:楊奕農的 using gretl in Taiwan 向量自迴歸 VAR 模型: 不連續落後期

向量自迴歸 VAR 模型有不連續落後期時,例如只有 1,2,4 (中間沒有 3), 在 gretl 1.9.13 (或 1.9.12 cvs build date 2013-05-06 以後之版本) 中指令的語法是 (目前2013/05/07 GUI 暫無法使用不連續落後期功能選項 ):
var p Ylist [; Xlist] –lagselect
p: 最大落後期數; 或不連續落後期之矩陣
Ylist: 內生變數集
Xlist: 外生變數集
–lagselect: 自動列出從落後 1-p 期之 AIC、BIC、HQC 之最小值落後期數
var 最大落後期數|{不連續整數} 自變數1  自變數2  [變數集…]  [–lagselect]
var 4 y1 y2 y3
 var {1,2,4,8} x1 x2 x3
matrix p={1,2,4,8} #數字間不加逗號好像也可以
list ylist = x1 x2 x3
var p ylist


open data3-6
var {1,3,4} Ct Yt
# --- 再加入參數 --lagselect 會顯示
var {1,3,4} Ct Yt --lagselect
# --- 或像 Allin 建議的正式語法如下, 利用矩陣來放不連續的落後期數
#     (僅適用最新版,請安裝 gretl_install.exe 才能用喔)
 matrix p = {1,3,4}
 list Ylist= Ct Yt
 var p Ylist         # give a named vector
 var {1,3,4} Ylist   # give an inline vector
執行結果 (以上 1-4行):
gretl 版本: 1.9.12cvs
Current session: 2013-05-07 10:44
? open data3-6

讀取資料檔 C:\Program Files\gretl\data\data3-6.gdt
periodicity: 1, 最大樣本數: 36
樣本區間範圍: 從 1959 到 1994

列出此檔之 3 個變數 (variables):
  0) const    1) Ct       2) Yt     

? var {1,3,4} Ct Yt

向量自我迴歸 (VAR system), 落後期數: 4
OLS 估計值, 使用中之子樣本範圍 1963-1994 (樣本總數 T = 32)
Log-likelihood = -412.49684
共變數矩陣行列式 (determinant) = 5.3903901e+008
AIC = 26.6561
BIC = 27.2973
HQC = 26.8686
Portmanteau test: LB(8) = 27.8696, 自由度 = 16 [0.0328]

方程式 (Equation) 1: Ct

             coefficient   std. error     t-值     p-value 
  const      594.104       256.644       2.315    0.0291   **
  Ct_1         1.29489       0.251793    5.143    2.58e-05 ***
  Ct_3        -0.619733      0.342839   -1.808    0.0827   *
  Ct_4        -0.181461      0.379568   -0.4781   0.6368  
  Yt_1        -0.402895      0.284435   -1.416    0.1690  
  Yt_3         0.458107      0.315506    1.452    0.1589  
  Yt_4         0.388387      0.339379    1.144    0.2633  

Mean dependent var   13053.00   S.D. dependent var   2611.769
Sum squared resid     1109617   S.E. of regression   210.6767
R-squared            0.994753   Adjusted R-squared   0.993493
F(6, 25)             789.8816   P-value(F)           3.06e-27
rho                  0.165054   Durbin-Watson        1.653857

此方程式, 係數=0 之 F檢定結果 (F-tests of zero restrictions):

Ct 變數之所有落後期                  F(3, 25) =   8.9042 [0.0003]
Yt 變數之所有落後期                  F(3, 25) =   2.0827 [0.1280]
所有變數,落後期數: 4                 F(2, 25) =   1.3760 [0.2711]

方程式 (Equation) 2: Yt

             coefficient   std. error     t-值     p-value
  const      951.990       254.219       3.745    0.0010  ***
  Ct_1         0.686912      0.249414    2.754    0.0108  **
  Ct_3        -0.674482      0.339600   -1.986    0.0581  *
  Ct_4        -0.367460      0.375982   -0.9773   0.3378 
  Yt_1         0.179534      0.281747    0.6372   0.5298 
  Yt_3         0.639429      0.312524    2.046    0.0514  *
  Yt_4         0.462694      0.336172    1.376    0.1809 

Mean dependent var   14429.75   S.D. dependent var   2742.131
Sum squared resid     1088746   S.E. of regression   208.6860
R-squared            0.995329   Adjusted R-squared   0.994208
F(6, 25)             887.9057   P-value(F)           7.15e-28
rho                 -0.046025   Durbin-Watson        2.032879

此方程式, 係數=0 之 F檢定結果 (F-tests of zero restrictions):

Ct 變數之所有落後期                  F(3, 25) =   4.7140 [0.0097]
Yt 變數之所有落後期                  F(3, 25) =   9.0709 [0.0003]
所有變數,落後期數: 4                 F(2, 25) =   1.1007 [0.3482]

對整個向量自迴歸 (VAR) 來看:

  虛無假設 H0 : VAR 之最大落後期是 3
  對立假設 H1 : VAR 之最大落後期是 4
  概似值比例檢定 (Likelihood ratio test): 卡方分配 (Chi-square)(4) = 4.42153 [0.3520]

  資訊準則 (information criteria) 之比較:
  落後期 4: AIC = 26.6561, BIC = 27.2973, HQC = 26.8686
  落後期 3: AIC = 26.5442, BIC = 27.0023, HQC = 26.6961

# --- 再加入參數 --lagselect 會顯示
? var {1,3,4} Ct Yt --lagselect
向量自我迴歸 (VAR system), 所選之最大落後期數: 4

The asterisks below indicate the best (that is, minimized) values
of the respective information criteria, AIC = Akaike criterion,
BIC = Schwarz Bayesian criterion and HQC = Hannan-Quinn criterion.

lags        loglik    p(LR)       AIC          BIC          HQC

   1    -511.19599            32.074749    32.166358    32.105115 
   2    -420.50726  0.00000   26.656704    26.931529*   26.747801 
   3    -414.70761  0.02059   26.544225*   27.002268    26.696054*
   4    -412.49684  0.35195   26.656053    27.297312    26.868612


The relationship between stock price index and exchange rate in Asian markets: A quantile regression approach

使用的方法:unit root test, cointegration, ordinary least square, quantile regression
Unit root test: H0: 有單根關係

結果p value >0.05, 所以不能拒絕H0,資料是非定態的。=》可以做公整合檢定


Long Memory Features Evolve in the Time-varying Process in Asia-pacific Foreign Exchange Markets

We investigated the presence of, and changes in, long memory features in the returns and volatility dynamics of six Asia-Pacific foreign exchange markets (Australian dollar, Japanese yen, Korean won, New Zealand dollar, Singaporean dollar, and Taiwan dollar) using time-varying Hurst exponents. In particular, instead of relying on a single static measure of long memory, we explored time-varying long memory features over time to assess changes in market efficiency by analyzing the returns and volatility of the markets. Furthermore, considering a time-varying rolling approach, we estimated values of the Hurst exponent for time windows with 1,000 observations (about 4 years of data) in each window. The estimation results indicated that both the returns and the volatility series possessed strong long memory features and that the degree of the long memory features changed over time. Additionally, the Hurst exponent showed an upward trend during the 1997 Asian currency crisis and 2008 global financial crisis, indicating that exchange rate markets became inefficient and predictable during the financial crisis.


Exchange Rate Volatility and Foreign Trade: The case for Cyprus and Croatia

a Lecturer, Technological Institute of Western Macedonia, Department of International Trade, Kastoria 52100, Greece
b Professor, Technological Institute of Western Macedonia, Department of International Trade, Kastoria 52100, Greece; Adjunct faculty, Hellenic Open University

In this study we have taken explicit account of nonstationarity and have applied a multivariate cointegration error correction model for two countries and two different measures of volatility. Each model satisfies several commonly utilized econometric tests in the analysis of time-series data such as cointegration
and unit roots. Our empirical analysis suggests that although exchange rate volatility when measured as the simple standard deviation of the log effective exchange has no effect on the level of exports for both Croatia and Cyprus. However, when an alternative measure is used there is an indication of a stronger effect from movements of the exchange rate to the level of exports. As a result a negative statistical significant relationship is estimated for Croatia. From a policy prospective our results are important. They suggest that policy makers should consider volatility for some but not all countries when applying economic policy. More specifically, policy actions reducing unexpected fluctuation of the exchange rate, for one of our sample countries, will increase the exported amount. The actual reduction from such a policy is beyond the scope of this paper and will be addressed in future work.


研究方法:單跟檢定、Johansen’s maximum test 、誤差修正模型

需要的數據:Cyprus and Croatia實質有效匯率,實質GDP,資料從1990Q1-2012Q1

困難之處:主要模型: log(X)= λ0+λ1*log(PX/Pw) +λ2*log(GDP)+λ3 +λ4*(V) + λ5*D1+ λ6*D3 + λ7*D4 + λ8*log(T) + ω (1.1)


Forecasting the NTD/USD Exchange Rate using Autoregressive Model

Autor: Md. Zahangir Alam
The key motivation of this study is to examine the application of autoregressive model for forecasting and trading the NTD/USD exchange rates from July 03, 2006 to April 30, 2008 as in-sample and May 01, 2008 to July 04, 2009 as out of sample data set. AR and ARMA models are benchmarked with a naïve strategy model. The major findings of this study is that in case of in-sample data set, the ARMA model, whereas in case of out-of-sample data set, both the ARMA and AR models jointly outperform other models for forecasting the NTD/USD exchange rate respectively in the context of statistical performance measures. As per trading performance, both the ARMA and naive strategy models outperform all other models in case of in-sample data set. On the other hand, both the AR and naive strategy models do better than all other models in case of out-of-sample data sets as per trading performance.
Forecasting, Autoregressive and Autoregressive Moving Average Models, and Naïve Strategy.
GJMBR-B Classification : JEL Code : C53
Source: Global Journal of Management and Business Research Volume 12 Issue 19 Version 1.0 Year 2012
Type: Double Blind Peer Reviewed International Research Journal

Publisher: Global Journals Inc. (USA) Online ISSN: 2249-4588 & Print ISSN: 0975-5853

期中報告:國際金融專題期中報告 10292026


Regime (non)stationarity in the US/UK real exchange rate.


Kanas, Angelos1
Genius, Margarita1 genius@econ.soc.uoc.gr
Economics Letters. Jun2005, Vol. 87 Issue 3, p407-413. 7p. 1 Chart, 1 Graph.
*FOREIGN exchange rates
GREAT Britain
Real exchange rate
Regime switching
Using a Markov-switching extension of the ADF regression, we find evidence that the US/UK real exchange rate is stationary in periods when it is in a low volatility regime, and nonstationary when it is in a high volatility regime. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Copyright of Economics Letters is the property of Elsevier Science and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
1Department of Economics, University of Crete, 74100 Rethymnon, Crete, Greece

國際金融  期中報告  10392004



Author : Josef Taušer, Petr Buryan
File Type : Paper

Keywords: GMDH, self-organizing polynomial networks, time series analysis, exchange rate
prediction, FX hedging

Abstract : Exchange rate forecasting is an important fi nancial problem that is receiving increasing attention
nowadays especially because of its diffi culty and host of practical applications in globalising
world of today. The paper presents an enhanced MIA-GMDH-type network, discusses its design
methodology and carries out some numerical experiments in the fi eld of exchange rate forecasting.
The method presented in this paper is an enhancement of self-organizing polynomial Group
Method of Data Handling (GMDH) with several specifi c improved features - coeffi cient rounding
and thresholding schemes and semi-randomized selection approach to pruning. The experiments
carried out include exchange rate prediction and hedging case study where the predictions were
used for fi nancial management decision simulation of a virtual company. The results indicate,
that the method shows promising potential of self-organizing network methodology. This implies
that the proposed modelling approaches can be used as a feasible solution for exchange rate
forecasting in fi nancial management.


Author Affiliation : Faculty of the International Relations, University of Economics, Prague.
Sources : PRAGUE ECONOMIC PAPERS, 3, 2011 

期中報告:國際金融專題期中報告 10292026


Investigation Causal Relations among Stock Market and Macroeconomic Variables :Evidence from Turkey

Karacaer, Semra; Kapusuzoglu, Ayhan
Hacettepe U; Hacettepe U
International Journal of Economic Perspectives, 2010, v. 4, iss. 3, pp. 501-07
The present study aims to examine the long-term relationships and short-term dynamics between the stock price index and inflation, industrial output and exchange rate as basic macroeconomic factors in Turkey for the period between 2003:01 and 2010:02. The Augmented Dickey Fuller (ADF) and Philips Perron (PP) unit root tests, Johansen cointegration test and Granger causality test were applied to examine the inter-variable relationships. The results of the analyses revealed a long-term relationship among the variables in question as there exists a cointegration relationship between the variables, while in the short run, there were unidirectional and bidirectional causal relations among the variables.
Macroeconomics; Stock Market
Journal Article

期中報告 10392001 徐逸茹 

 連結: 期末報告 10392001 徐逸茹

Exchange rate sensitivity of the demand for money in Spain

Bahmani-Oskooee, Mohsen1
Martin, Miquel-Angel Galindo2
Niroomand, Farhang3
Applied Economics. May98, Vol. 30 Issue 5, p607-612. 6p. 4 Charts.
*FOREIGN exchange rates
*DEMAND for money
*TIME series analysis
The article focuses on the exchange rate and demand for money in Spain, while assessing a macroeconomic model. Following most recent developments in the money demand literature, the authors try to incorporate the nominal effective exchange rate of the Spanish peseta in the money demand function to determine whether it becomes stable. The cointegration method is used to test the existence of a long-run equilibrium relationship between Spanish money balances and its determinants. Spanish money balances and its determinants. Exclusion tests also developed by economists S. Johansen and K. Juselius are used to determine the significance of each determinant. The first step in applying cointegration analysis is to determine the degree of integration of each variable in the model. For this purpose, following many other studies in the literature, the authors rely upon the ADF test. Using quarterly data over the 1974I-1992IV period and the Johansen-Juselius cointegration procedure, the authors were able to find evidence of cointegration among the variables of both the monetary aggregates money demand functions.
1Department of Economics, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI 53201, USA.
2Department of Economics, University Complutense, Madrid, Spain.
3Department of Economics, University of Southern Mississippi, Hattiesburg, MS 39406, USA.

期中報告:1031 國際金融專題期中報告 10392007

Is Gold a Hedge Against Turkish Lira?

Ozturk, Feride1 fozturk@dumlupinar.edu.tr
Acikalin, Sezgin1 sezgina@anadolu.edu.tr
South East European Journal of Economics & Business (1840118X). Apr2008, Vol. 3 Issue 1, p35-40. 6p. 3 Charts, 3 Graphs.
*GOLD industry
*LIRA (Turkish currency)
*CONSUMER price indexes
*FOREIGN exchange rates
*DOLLAR (United States currency)
This paper investigates whether gold is an internal hedge and/or an external hedge against Turkish lira (TL) by using monthly data from January 1995 to November 2006. Cointegration test results confirm the long-term relationships between the gold price and consumerprice index and between the gold price and TL/US dollar exchange rate. The Granger Tests, based on vector error correction model (VECM), indicate that gold price Granger causes the consumer price index and TL/US dollar exchange rate in a unidirectional way. It is concluded that gold acts as an effective hedge against potential future TL depreciation and rising domestic inflation. Furthermore, gold price may be considered as a good indicator of inflation and hence it can be used as a guide to monetary policy. [ABSTRACT FROM AUTHOR]
Copyright of South East European Journal of Economics & Business (1840118X) is the property of De Gruyter Open and its content may not be copied or emailed to multiple sites or posted to a listserv without the copyright holder's express written permission. However, users may print, download, or email articles for individual use. This abstract may be abridged. No warranty is given about the accuracy of the copy. Users should refer to the original published version of the material for the full abstract. (Copyright applies to all Abstracts.)
1Dunlupinar University, Department of Economics, Tavsanli Yolu 10.Km, Kutahya, Turkey

PO 文注意事項 (Notes about your posts required for this course)

每位同學必需建立與維護 2 個網頁: (updated on 2010.9.19)
Every registered student MUST post and maintain TWO pages at this site.

1. 你的期末報告想要仿照的原始 paper 重點摘要頁, 見 [
A summary of the paper you choose to follow in your term-project. (see a suggestive [summary example ]).

2. 你的學習紀錄頁, 見 [範例]
A "learning weblog" of your progress during this course (see [example]). This example is demonstrative rather than required to conform to.

3. 記得每一頁要在頁尾處輸入你的「標籤」, 包含學號後5碼, 名字或暱稱, 和 其它你自訂的關鍵字, 例 ADF、共整合、PPP、等
When you edit your pages, be sure to write appropriate "Tags" (as many as you wish) (around the bottom of editing screen) for your posted pages to let me identify your required contributions. The tags should at least include your last 5-digit student ID and keywords about the page.

4. 請同學在你所選的 paper 加上標籤:「已選」
If you have already decided a paper to follow and post a page for it. Please be sure to attach that page a specific tag named "selected or 已選." It is of course possible that two or more students may choose the same paper to follow as their term-project. BUT only one of them can be authorized to follow the specific paper. The decision will be based on a first-come-first-serve rule. That is, the one who posts the summary page of a paper gets the first priority to follow that paper posted with a tag named"selected" paper .

5. 在你的 學習紀錄頁加上標籤:學習記事
Don't forget to stick a tag "weblog" with your "learning weblog" page in addition to your last 5-digit student ID.

== Posted on 2009.10.05 ==
請同學在你所選的 paper 加上
在你的 學習紀錄頁加上標籤:學習記事