Lorenzo,Blanco-González, Thomas M.Fullerton Jr.(January 2006)Borderplex menu evidence for the law of one price Economics Letters, Volume 90, Issue 1, , Pages 28-33
本篇文章主要應用的理論是單一物價法則(the law of one price)、購買力平價說(purchasing power parity)、時間序列分析、套利(arbitrage)。
研究方法 (估計、檢定、指標) 與邏輯
樣本取自鄰近兩個國家(美國與墨西哥)的門戶城市El Paso,Texas(美國)和Ciudad
Jua´rez, Chihuahua(墨西哥),即便是距離相近的兩個城市,但是經過匯率換算以及國家文化的不同,單一物價法則還是沒有在此研究中成立,並在墨西哥出現套利的機會。
• 從找paper開始就遭遇到很多問題,首先,要找到有公信力且資料豐富的資料庫,再者,選定跟國際金融有關的議題,最後,如何在眾多的paper中挑選可以模仿但是又不至於太難的paper,在前面花的時間越多,在模仿時所可能遭遇的困難就越少,所以在paper的篩選上就花了許多時間
• <看的懂英文、也不一定看的懂paper>從看這篇paper開始,先看過一次內容,再用字典把裡面不懂的字都查出來,但是連在一起看又不是想像中的那回事,出現了許多困難(英文的文法、國外學者的用字習慣、專業用語的翻譯問題),在在顯示學生paper的閱讀數量還太貧乏。
• 由於這次的報告老師希望我們找一篇國際金融議題的paper去模仿(創新由模仿開始),並且套用台灣的數據仿造一篇相似的paper;但是本paper是使用美國與墨西哥的數據,而台灣數據的尋找便是此報告的難題之ㄧ。
• 最大的問題就是對paper內容的理解程度,是否了解作者想表達的內容、作者用的統計方法有什麼意義,讓我在閱讀paper上面常常會有盲點,會有越想看懂它卻越看不到其中真正的核心。
• L. S. Copeland, Exchange Rates and International Finance, 5th ed.,
Workingham: Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 2008.
• 楊奕農教授,時間序列分析,二版,雙葉書廊,2009年8月
• science direct
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Registered students MUST see the Import Notes
請務必參見 課程網頁維護重要事項 Import Notes
Registered students MUST see the Import Notes
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PO 文注意事項 (Notes about your posts required for this course)
每位同學必需建立與維護 2 個網頁: (updated on 2010.9.19)
Every registered student MUST post and maintain TWO pages at this site.
1. 你的期末報告想要仿照的原始 paper 重點摘要頁, 見 [範例]
A summary of the paper you choose to follow in your term-project. (see a suggestive [summary example ]).
2. 你的學習紀錄頁, 見 [範例]
A "learning weblog" of your progress during this course (see [example]). This example is demonstrative rather than required to conform to.
3. 記得每一頁要在頁尾處輸入你的「標籤」, 包含學號後5碼, 名字或暱稱, 和 其它你自訂的關鍵字, 例 ADF、共整合、PPP、等
When you edit your pages, be sure to write appropriate "Tags" (as many as you wish) (around the bottom of editing screen) for your posted pages to let me identify your required contributions. The tags should at least include your last 5-digit student ID and keywords about the page.
4. 請同學在你所選的 paper 加上標籤:「已選」
If you have already decided a paper to follow and post a page for it. Please be sure to attach that page a specific tag named "selected or 已選." It is of course possible that two or more students may choose the same paper to follow as their term-project. BUT only one of them can be authorized to follow the specific paper. The decision will be based on a first-come-first-serve rule. That is, the one who posts the summary page of a paper gets the first priority to follow that paper posted with a tag named"selected" paper .
5. 在你的 學習紀錄頁加上標籤:「學習記事」
Don't forget to stick a tag "weblog" with your "learning weblog" page in addition to your last 5-digit student ID.
== Posted on 2009.10.05 ==
請同學在你所選的 paper 加上標籤:「已選」
在你的 學習紀錄頁加上標籤:「學習記事」
Every registered student MUST post and maintain TWO pages at this site.
1. 你的期末報告想要仿照的原始 paper 重點摘要頁, 見 [範例]
A summary of the paper you choose to follow in your term-project. (see a suggestive [summary example ]).
2. 你的學習紀錄頁, 見 [範例]
A "learning weblog" of your progress during this course (see [example]). This example is demonstrative rather than required to conform to.
3. 記得每一頁要在頁尾處輸入你的「標籤」, 包含學號後5碼, 名字或暱稱, 和 其它你自訂的關鍵字, 例 ADF、共整合、PPP、等
When you edit your pages, be sure to write appropriate "Tags" (as many as you wish) (around the bottom of editing screen) for your posted pages to let me identify your required contributions. The tags should at least include your last 5-digit student ID and keywords about the page.
4. 請同學在你所選的 paper 加上標籤:「已選」
If you have already decided a paper to follow and post a page for it. Please be sure to attach that page a specific tag named "selected or 已選." It is of course possible that two or more students may choose the same paper to follow as their term-project. BUT only one of them can be authorized to follow the specific paper. The decision will be based on a first-come-first-serve rule. That is, the one who posts the summary page of a paper gets the first priority to follow that paper posted with a tag named"selected" paper .
5. 在你的 學習紀錄頁加上標籤:「學習記事」
Don't forget to stick a tag "weblog" with your "learning weblog" page in addition to your last 5-digit student ID.
== Posted on 2009.10.05 ==
請同學在你所選的 paper 加上標籤:「已選」
在你的 學習紀錄頁加上標籤:「學習記事」
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