Choudhry, Taufiq, Robert McNown and Myles Wallace(1991),"Purchasing Power Parity and the Canadian Float in the 1950s,"Economics and Statistic, vol.73,No.3,pp.558-563.
• 本篇文章主要應用的理論是購買力平價說。在沒有交易成本與制度限制等因素影響下,加上套利的作用,同一種商品再不同國家應該具有相同的價值。但是不同的國家使用不同的貨幣,因此在進行價值上的比較時,需利用匯率的換算作單位上的轉換。也就是說任何商品,並不會因其所在地理位置的差異而有所不同,這種概念同時也稱作單一價格法則(Low of one price)。以理論的觀點出發,在ㄧ定的條件假設之下,同時透過套利的運作過程,購買力平價關西應該是成立的。
• 本篇文章為了證明購買力平價是否成立,透過三個國家來做實證研究。
• 本篇文章國家包含:美國、英國、加拿大
• 測試:美國和加拿大、加拿大和香港、美國和英國
• 本篇文章使用美、英、加三國的匯率(用X(t)表示)和CPI(消費者物價指數)還有WPI(躉售物價指數)來探討購買力平價是否成立的問題。
• 先用單根檢定是否為非定態,在使用共整合。
( 1 ) Unit Root
( 2 ) Engle and Granger
• 美國和加拿大在1950/10月~1961/5月是具有PPP的關系
• 若是使用的期間改為1950/10月~1962/4月,這個結果會變成是不具有PPP的關係。
• 美國和英國PPP是成立的。
• 這個實證結果不支持英國和加拿大。
1. 找文獻時有太多的研究方法不知道,所以遇到了不知道可不可行的文章
2. 台灣沒有1950~1962年的資料
3. 直到1989年台灣才是浮動匯率,此之後的資料才適用。
4. 由於變數是非定態,在模型估計上會發生假性迴歸。
1. 楊奕農,時間序列分析
2. 黃台心,計量經濟分析
3. 萬哲鈺,國際金融
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請務必參見 課程網頁維護重要事項 Import Notes
Registered students MUST see the Import Notes
請務必參見 課程網頁維護重要事項 Import Notes
Registered students MUST see the Import Notes
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PO 文注意事項 (Notes about your posts required for this course)
每位同學必需建立與維護 2 個網頁: (updated on 2010.9.19)
Every registered student MUST post and maintain TWO pages at this site.
1. 你的期末報告想要仿照的原始 paper 重點摘要頁, 見 [範例]
A summary of the paper you choose to follow in your term-project. (see a suggestive [summary example ]).
2. 你的學習紀錄頁, 見 [範例]
A "learning weblog" of your progress during this course (see [example]). This example is demonstrative rather than required to conform to.
3. 記得每一頁要在頁尾處輸入你的「標籤」, 包含學號後5碼, 名字或暱稱, 和 其它你自訂的關鍵字, 例 ADF、共整合、PPP、等
When you edit your pages, be sure to write appropriate "Tags" (as many as you wish) (around the bottom of editing screen) for your posted pages to let me identify your required contributions. The tags should at least include your last 5-digit student ID and keywords about the page.
4. 請同學在你所選的 paper 加上標籤:「已選」
If you have already decided a paper to follow and post a page for it. Please be sure to attach that page a specific tag named "selected or 已選." It is of course possible that two or more students may choose the same paper to follow as their term-project. BUT only one of them can be authorized to follow the specific paper. The decision will be based on a first-come-first-serve rule. That is, the one who posts the summary page of a paper gets the first priority to follow that paper posted with a tag named"selected" paper .
5. 在你的 學習紀錄頁加上標籤:「學習記事」
Don't forget to stick a tag "weblog" with your "learning weblog" page in addition to your last 5-digit student ID.
== Posted on 2009.10.05 ==
請同學在你所選的 paper 加上標籤:「已選」
在你的 學習紀錄頁加上標籤:「學習記事」
Every registered student MUST post and maintain TWO pages at this site.
1. 你的期末報告想要仿照的原始 paper 重點摘要頁, 見 [範例]
A summary of the paper you choose to follow in your term-project. (see a suggestive [summary example ]).
2. 你的學習紀錄頁, 見 [範例]
A "learning weblog" of your progress during this course (see [example]). This example is demonstrative rather than required to conform to.
3. 記得每一頁要在頁尾處輸入你的「標籤」, 包含學號後5碼, 名字或暱稱, 和 其它你自訂的關鍵字, 例 ADF、共整合、PPP、等
When you edit your pages, be sure to write appropriate "Tags" (as many as you wish) (around the bottom of editing screen) for your posted pages to let me identify your required contributions. The tags should at least include your last 5-digit student ID and keywords about the page.
4. 請同學在你所選的 paper 加上標籤:「已選」
If you have already decided a paper to follow and post a page for it. Please be sure to attach that page a specific tag named "selected or 已選." It is of course possible that two or more students may choose the same paper to follow as their term-project. BUT only one of them can be authorized to follow the specific paper. The decision will be based on a first-come-first-serve rule. That is, the one who posts the summary page of a paper gets the first priority to follow that paper posted with a tag named"selected" paper .
5. 在你的 學習紀錄頁加上標籤:「學習記事」
Don't forget to stick a tag "weblog" with your "learning weblog" page in addition to your last 5-digit student ID.
== Posted on 2009.10.05 ==
請同學在你所選的 paper 加上標籤:「已選」
在你的 學習紀錄頁加上標籤:「學習記事」